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People fought and died so you can vote, so do it

By Professor Josh Douglas To encourage voting this year, Professor Josh Douglas has penned an Op-Ed for the Lexington Herald-Leader that explains the importance of heading to the polls.   Just over 50 years ago, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, which had the effect of providing robust protection to the right to vote, particularly for racial minorities.

What Actually Happens During a Kentucky Recanvassing?

by Professor Josh Douglas

The Kentucky Republican Gubernatorial Primary Goes Into Extra Innings: What Happens Next?

by Professor Joshua A. Douglas and Senior Editor Thomas E. Travis 83 votes. That’s all that separates Kentucky GOP gubernatorial hopefuls Matt Bevin and James Comer. What has already been an ugly campaign is about to become even uglier.

Unsuccessful Lawsuit Turns Into A Successful Election

by: Sloane Skinner Kentucky Republican Ralph Alvarado defeated Democrat (and Senate Minority Leader) R.J. Palmer II for Kentucky’s 28th District Senate Seat, turning the table after Palmer’s victory over Alvarado in 2010.

2014: Foreshadowing the Future of American Voting

by: Joshua Bryant What is one of the significant takeaways from the 2014 election? The traditional way Americans vote is changing. Voting has traditionally been the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, during specific times set by state legislatures. Why? Because in 1845, when Congress picked this date, Tuesday did not conflict with Sunday Church services and by November most of the harvest was over.

Runoffs & Recounts: What Happens Next?

by: Thomas Travis, Olivia Snider, Hunter Shelman, and Tyler Mullins Many of the close election results tonight suggest that a few Senate races may be going into recounts or runoff elections.  Here’s what would happen next.

Election Day Complaints

by: Mary Tanner Election Day complaints from voters often tell us how our election system is operating.  Today’s election might provide further evidence to that debate. 

Closing Time? The Extension of Polling Station Hours

by: Olivia Snider and Matthew Dearmond

Right-of-Way Electioneering: Who Can Remove Campaign Signs?

by: Brittany Crouch Earlier tonight, we received an inquiry regarding the removal of illegally placed campaign signs on a public right-of-way, and the treatment of the signs after their removal.  It appears that this is generally at the discretion of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

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