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The Problem of Faithless Electors and Other Crazy Electoral College Scenarios

By: Roger Morris When all the votes are counted and we have a President-Elect, our long national nightmare, the 2016 election, is supposed to end. However, there is a small chance that no candidate could receive the requisite number of electoral votes, 270, to win the election outright.

How the Electoral College Works

By: Roger Morris Some of you may be saddened hear that the presidential election will not be decided on Tuesday, November 8th but actually on December 19th. This does not mean that you will have to put up with another month and a half of campaign ads and generally saddening news coverage. December 19th is when the Electoral College meets and casts the 538 electoral votes that really decide who the 45th President of the United States will be.

Foiling Gary Johnson: Electoral Fusion in New York State

By: Jeremy Faulk In New York, some Gary Johnson voters may be wondering what effect their vote will have.

What to Expect at the Polls Today in Kentucky

By: Carly Kleiman What type of identification do I need? Kentucky does not have a strict voter identification law.  According to KRS Statute 117.227, election officers shall confirm the identity of each voter by personal acquaintance or by a document.  These identification documents may include:

Kentucky law on "Poll Watching"

By: Clifton Rogers  The Republican Party and Donald Trump have made repeated calls to the general public to “watch the polls” to prevent election mischief. Kentucky law allows for each political party to have representatives at the polls to act as “challengers.” They are there to ensure voting integrity; however, they must be certified by the Board of Elections and their activities are limited.

Foreign Contributions to U.S. Elections

By: Justin Cloyd

Register to Vote Online

By: Clifton Rogers The deadline to register to vote or to update your current registration is Tuesday, October 11. Visit to update your registration or to register to vote for the first time. Be sure to check that your information is accurate to ensure that you are registered in the district in which you live.

Follow the Election Law Society's Blog for Election Law Updates

By: Clifton Rogers This electoral season has already been one of the most historic, interesting, and contentious in American history. More is sure to come. The UK Election Law Society will be posting articles and analysis about election law-related issues and topics in the coming weeks and months onto this blog. Be sure also to follow our twitter: @UKYElectionLaw, and do not forget to tune in on November 8th for a live blog on election night returns and an analysis of issues that arise. 

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