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By: Clifton Rogers

The presidential race is the biggest news in the country right now. In addition to that very important race, there are several key ballot measures on the ballot across the country. Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada are voting on legalizing recreational use of Marijuana. Measures on legalizing Marijuana are winning in Massachusetts and Maine and losing in Arizona at the time of this post. Florida passed a measure to expand the use of medical marijuana.

Missouri has important election related measures on the ballot. The state is voting on a measure to allow a voter id law. It would require individuals to present an id to establish residency. The state is simultaneously voting on a measure to limit campaign contributions to political parties, committees, and judicial candidates. Both of those measures are winning at the time of this post.

California, in addition to a marijuana initiative, will be considering a measure to limit pharmaceutical prices. It would limit prices to what the Department of Veterans Affairs pays for those same pharmaceuticals.